In Memory of James Anderson
In Memory of James Anderson
James Anderson
Spouse: Susana (Pearson) Anderson
Children: Bradford (Katie Sappey), Vanessa, Alicia, Austin (LaToya Lozoya), Sholina Pearson
Birthdate: March 20, 1950
Blessing: July 1, 1982 (with Deborah Anderson)
Ascension Date: January 23, 2022
Seonghwa Date: February 2, 2022
Jim was born and grew up in rural Wisconsin. He graduated from UW Madison with a Political Science degree in 1973 and promptly left for San Francisco. Jim met Joy Garrett who introduced Jim to the Unification Church. Jim joined in many church activities including fundraising and witnessing. He participated in the rallies held at Yankee Stadium and Washington Monument.
Jim worked in News World Publications in New York at the Tiffany Building. He attended Unification Theological Seminary, graduating in 1980. Jim studied Won Hwa Do and was a student of Dr. Seuk at UTS, as well working with Dr. Seuk in CARP. Many members who worked with him testify to his pastoral and parental leadership. He was always willing to embrace and support members in his care. He had a quiet and calm leadership style.
Jim was always taking pictures, so it’s no surprise that there are many pictures taken by him and not so many of him. Jim took part in the pilgrimage to the Middle East in 2004 and was able to give an inspiring testimony to the local Lutheran Church upon his return.
Jim also was a guest at daycare, playing banjo for the kindergarteners. Jim had a great love of music. He played banjo and guitar and loved to spend time at the keyboards.
Jim was Blessed to Debbie at Madison Square Garden in 1982 and the couple began their family in Raleigh, North Carolina. Bradford was born in 1988 and twin girls, Vanessa and Alisa, were born two years later. In 1991 the family moved to Jim’s hometown, Stoughton, Wisconsin. Their younger son, Austin, was born in 1994.
Here in Wisconsin Jim developed a flourishing retail flower business that provided inspiration to many brothers as they sought to support their families and be successful in the business world. Jim built his business with diligence and persistent investment. He studied seriously how to be successful, and applied principles of investment and growth. Jim’s success in business was built on prayer, enormous determination, and vision. He demonstrated care for his employees in the same way in which he took care of students when he was with CARP.
Jim was unfailingly generous and contributed to missionary families who passed through Wisconsin. Jim was a supporter of the Soccer for Peace Project in Africa. He became a director of their board. Below is a link to a Memorial Fund supporting this project, which was dear to Jim’s heart.
Many people have been touched by Jim’s beautiful spirit. He greatly enjoyed being with family and talking for long hours. He was often among the very last to leave a church gathering. His cheerfulness, hard work, investment in his family and care for all who came within his sphere will long stand as a testimony to the love he had for God and for people. Jim was always faithful to True Parents, convinced of God’s love no matter what transpired in his life. Jim always maintained a noble dignity.
We wish him Godspeed as he returns home. He will be dearly missed! After many journeys together, attended by Susana on his journey home, in the final prayer request that Jim made he asked that prayer be offered that he can die with a heart full of gratitude for the life he has had. And we who are left are full of gratitude that he was part of our lives.
And when our life on this earth is completed, the record of how we lived will become the measure for how much heaven we deserve. This will be the standard:
The love you unselfishly bestowed on your fellow man
The service you willingly rendered for the benefit of others
The sacrifice you courageously offered for humanity and God
The sum total of these deeds will become your treasure for eternity. From God’s Way of Life, September 17, 1974
Seonghwa Ceremony
Date: February 2, 2022
Below is the link for the live stream. You will need to register with your name and email. You will then receive another email with a link to view the live stream at 11:00 AM (Central Time), February 2, 2022
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