Professional Support
Whatever the situation, there is a solution.
Get Professional Help
Everyone can use a little extra support in handling life’s challenges—and one way to get it is through talking with a professional. Seeking the support of a counselor or therapist is so valuable, especially when you find yourself dealing with stress or difficulties. But how do you find someone you can trust with your innermost thoughts and feelings?
We would like to suggest the following members of our Unification community who are trained and experienced counselors/therapist.
A description of each counselor or therapist's unique skills and experience and contact info are listed below. They have each agreed to offer a discounted rate to Unificationsists, and you will need to work that out with them when you contact them. You can then decide together if you are the "right fit", how you will communicate, and how often.
Looking for additional professional marriage support you can trust? Visit The National Registry of Marriage-Friendly Therapists.
Debby Gullery
Certified Relationship Coach, Counselor, Marriage & Relationship Educator
Website: debbygullery.com
Email: coachgullery@gmail.com
John & Sandra Lowen
Marriage & Family Institutes
11306 212th Street East
Graham, WA 98338
Phone: 518-300-9318, 518-301-6083
Email: johnlowen7@gmail.com, sandralowen003@gmail.com
Myrna Lapres
Certified Relationship and Parenting Coach
Author of "7 Gifts to Give Your Child--Parenting That Will Touch Their Future"
Website: https://www.coachmyrna.org/
Email: coachmyrnalapres@gmail.com
Rafael Guignard
Certified Life Coach and Lifebook Leader
Helping young couples and parents build or regain harmony in their family and beyond. Rafael is a 37 year old 2nd gen, Blessed since 2005 with three children.
Phone: +33698294130
Email: rafael.guignard.coach@gmail.com
Websites: https://bit.ly/3K9hwgN
Debbie Preece
Marriage Counselor
Website: marriagecoaching.life
Phone: 256-337-8200
Email: preecedeb1@gmail.com
There are resources available for various different crisis situations an individual or family may face. The following is a list of resources for dealing with crisis situations, including suicide prevention, mental illness, rape, abuse in relationships, domestic violence, drug abuse, eating disorders, and addictions.
Addiction Center
Alcohol Rehab Guide
(877) 624-1853
A new online resource that connects alcoholics and their families with the help they need to conquer this disease. A recent analysis shows that nearly 240 million people suffer from an alcohol addiction. Their goal is to help these individuals and their loved ones by providing them with information on the signs of an alcohol addiction, the effects, and the support options for those involved.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) World Services, Inc.
(212) 870-3400
Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. The primary purpose of A.A. is to carry its message of recovery to the alcoholic seeking help. Almost every alcoholism treatment tries to help the alcoholic maintain sobriety. Regardless of the road we follow, we all head for the same destination, recovery of the alcoholic person. Together, we can do what none of us could accomplish alone. We can serve as a source of personal experience and be an ongoing support system for recovering alcoholics
DrugRehab.com provides information, resources, and treatment for people battling addiction and related conditions. Their mission is to equip patients and families with the best information, resources and tools to overcome addiction and pursue lifelong recovery.
Drug Rehab Connections
Drug Rehab Connections is made up of those who want to help and give back. We are here to share our stories of recovery and hope as we begin the steps together towards rehab and recovery. Drug Rehab Connections was founded by a group of individuals who know both sides of addiction. We know it from our personal lives as well as engaging and working with rehab centers. We are here to help people in need of guidance during a dark time in their lives when it may seem no hope is available.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
The SAMHSA is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA's mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) World Services, Inc.
(818) 773-9999
Narcotics Anonymous is an international, community-based association of recovering drug addicts with more than 58,000 weekly meetings in 131 countries worldwide.
Opioid Abuse
Opioids are highly addictive, and opioid abuse has become a national crisis in the United States. Statistics highlight the severity of the epidemic, with the National Institute on Drug Abuse reporting that more than 2 million Americans abuse opioids and that more than 90 Americans die by opioid overdose every day, on average.
Find Rehab Centers
Find Rehab Centers is a non-profit organization that is committed to helping addicted individuals and their families find solutions. Their mission is to provide a complete, non-biased, and non-paid directory of resources to enable those seeking treatment to find care that meets all of their needs. They provide listings for private, as well as stastate-fundedeatment centers, and additional resources to help provide support and education for anyone being affected by the disease of addiction.
Pornography Addiction
- "Growing Up in a Pornified Culture" by Debby Gullery (video)
- highnoon.org
- yourbrainonporn.com
- fightthenewdrug.com
- The Pornography Plague (Powerpoint)
Marriage Healing
Marriage Healing Resources
Resources for marriage healing and therapy.
Intentional Year Plan
The Intentional Year Plan is designed to help you work with both distressed couples and those who are
considering ending their Blessings. You begin the process by asking a couple to commit to a year of
intentional investing in their relationship, and that commitment helps them to stay in the process when
it gets difficult.
Mental Health Issues
National Alliance of Mental Illness
(800) 950-NAMI (6264)
Because mental illness impacts the lives of at least one in four adults and one in 10 children—or 60 million Americans—NAMI works every day to save every life.
NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
Safety & Abuse
Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network-RAINN
National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-HOPE
The concept behind the hotline is simple. When a caller dials 800-656-HOPE, a computer notes the area code and first three digits of the caller's phone number. The call is then instantaneously connected to the nearest RAINN member center. If all counselors at that center are busy, the call is sent to the next closest center. The caller's phone number is not retained, so the call is anonymous and confidential unless the caller chooses to share personally-identifying information.
There are many ways that you can help a friend or family member who has been a victim of rape or sexual violence:
- Listen. Be there. Don't be judgemental.
- Be patient. Remember, it will take your loved one some time to deal with the crime.
- Help to empower your loved one. Rape and sexual violence are crimes that take away an individual's power, it is
important not to compound this experience by putting pressure on your loved one to do things that he or she is
not ready to do yet - If you are dealing with an issue involving your child, create a safe place by talking directly to them.
- If you are the non-abusing parent in a case of incest, it is important to support your child and help them through
this situation without blaming them. This is also true if you are not a parent but still an observer of incest. If your loved one is considering suicide, follow-up with them on a regular basis. - Encourage your loved one to report the rape or sexual violence to law enforcement (call 911 in most areas). If
your loved one has questions about the criminal justice process, talking with someone on the National Sexual
Assault Hotline, 800-656-HOPE, can help. - If your loved one is willing to seek medical attention or report the assault, offer to accompany him or her wherever s/he needs to go (hospital, police station, campus security, etc.)
- Encourage him or her to contact one of the hotlines, but realize that only your loved one can make the decision to get help.
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
(800) 799-safe (7223)
(800) 787-3224
The Mission of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) believes violence against women and children results from the use of force or threat to achieve and maintain control over others in intimate relationships, and from societal abuse of power and domination in the forms of sexism, racism, homophobia, classism, anti-Semitism, able-bodyism, ageism and other oppressions. NCADV recognizes that the abuses of power in society foster battering by perpetuating conditions, which condone violence against women and children. Therefore, it is the mission of NCADV to work for major societal changes necessary to eliminate both personal and societal violence against all women and children.
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders
(847) 831-3438
There are several levels of treatment for eating disorders; these include weekly support groups, outpatient treatment with a therapist, psychiatrist and dietitian, partial hospitalization, and finally inpatient or residential treatment. Our listings are for your consideration. We encourage you to screen these therapists for yourself and decide who is best for you. Also, our online list is not exhaustive.
- The ANAD helpline (630) 577-1330, operates 9AM-5PM Central Time, Monday through Friday and can help you find the treatment to fit your needs. If you prefer email, please contact us through
- Support groups meet weekly, biweekly, or monthly.
- Outpatient treatment might be meeting with a psychotherapist on a weekly basis. More intensive outpatient treatment might be weekly meetings with a psychotherapist, psychiatrist and dietitian, who all work together on your recovery. Finally, some hospitals have outpatient programs that meet five to seven days a week for a few hours and include individual psychotherapy, group psychotherapy and group meetings with the psychotherapist, psychiatrist, dietitian and other hospital staff.
- Intensive Outpatient or Partial Hospitalization are a step up from outpatient treatment, and most meet daily. They are generally eight to twelve hours of the day, and all three meals are eaten at the facility.
- The most intensive level of treatment is Inpatient or Residential treatment. This involves living in a residential facility or hospital and includes eating all meals, performing all daily activities, and a significant level of treatment individually and in groups.
Recall Report
Recallreport.org is the web's most comprehensive consumer health and safety website, containing hundreds of pages on healthcare, medications (including up to date recall information), healthy habits and resources. From heart conditions and respective medications to topics surrounding mental health, being informed is essential. All of their information is thoroughly researched and cited appropriately, including data directly from the FDA.
Tuck: Advancing Better Sleep
How Trauma Affects Sleep
Tuck is an educational portal covering all things sleep health, from wellness techniques to advocacy for safe sleeping.
College Campus Safety Tips For Students
Understanding Safety Planning And Crisis Response
Life on campus comes with newfound excitement and fun, particularly for students living away from home for the first time, but it may also come with risks. Learn more about college crimes, including sexual violence, and where and how to find information, support, and help for yourself and others.
Suicide Prevention
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(800) 273-8255
We are a free, 24-hour hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.
Your call will be routed to the nearest crisis center to you.
- Call for yourself or someone you care about
- Free and confidential
- A network of more than 150 crisis centers nationwide
- Available 24/7
Contact Us
If you have a need to contact the Blessing & Family Ministry, please contact us here: https://bfm.familyfed.org/contact