Parenting through all stages of Blessed Life
“We are to raise our children to be people who are like God. This is the standard for education. What does it mean for a person to be like God? It is not defined by the shape of one’s face, how much energy one has, or the extent of one’s abilities. Being like God means loving as God loves.” — True Parents
School Years
Guide your child to cultivate a vision for his or her future family. Il Shim (MS students) and Devoted (HS students) are programs that do just this! Find more resources for teaching your children here.
Blessing Preparation
As parents it’s good to take time to learn about the Matching process well before your child is ready. So that when they ask, you’ll feel confident and ready to support. Get started with the ‘Unify’ course for parents inside MatchNet!
Videos on Parenting
We could all use some support as parents. Over the past several years, the BFM has offered Family Education Webinars, presented by professionals in our faith community. These videos can be enjoyed in a variety of ways: with your spouse, at church, in a small group, or with your tribe.
For parents with young children…
The Joy of the Early Years
Essential Life Skills for Children
Balancing Work and Family Life
As A Parent I Can’t Give What I Don’t Have
For parents with older children….
Creating Family Balance
Raising Responsible, Respectful, and Fun Kids
More Than Anything, My Child Needs Love
Helping Your Child Handle Peer Pressure
Parenting Articles
HDH on Parenting
Download this document to read advice from True Parents on a range of topics around parenting such as: Unconditional Love, Raising Children, Birth Education, Lineage, Vertical & Horizontal Love, Marriage & Spousal Love, Family, Grandparents
Parent-Child connection: The Relationship that Rules the World
As our children’s first teachers, our relationship with our children is key. Regardless of technological advances, parents will always be the most important source of information and values for their growing children. Read article.
How to talk with young children about the Blessing
It’s never too early to start talking about the Blessing with your children! Watch this webinar with Parenting Coach, Myrna Lapres, for tips on how to approach this conversation with your children.

Parenting Resources at Every Stage
Parenting is one of the most rewarding and yet challenging roles that one can have. Here are resources to support you through the journey!
Early Childhood —> School Years —> Blessing Preparation
MatchNet - Understand the Matching Process as a Parent
MatchNet is your guide as a parent to help your child become an extraordinarily marriageable person, and finding a matching partner.
Recommended Parenting Resources
Books for parents, books for children, here are a range of resources to support you in raising children to inherit values of the Unificationist tradition.
Sex Education in the Home
Family is the school of love. It’s where children should learn the language of love and speak it as naturally as breathing. Sex is one of the most powerful forms of love, and the family should be the place children learn about God’s grand design for their sexuality. School Of Love is a parent’s curriculum to teach children from a young age all the way to adulthood about the relevant things to know regarding sexuality, the way God meant it to be.