Matching Resources
Matching Resources
Find resources to help assist you throughout the Matching Process.
Matching Websites
Many couples have found each other through one of the Matching websites that our faith community has developed. Below is an outline of each of the websites and how to get started!
Matching Support Webinars
Watch recordings of all the past Matching Support Webinars.
Matching Supporters & Blessing Interviewers
Matching Supporters are trained to support candidates and their families with tools and resources to navigate the Matching Process. They thoroughly understand the guidelines and procedures for the Matching Process.
Note: You will need to have an account in the BFM Education portal in order to see the list of Matching Supporters and Blessing Interviewers.
Forms & Documents
Here are BFM forms and documents.
41 Matching Discussion Questions
These 41 questions can be used in many ways. The first way is when a Family or Matching Supporter is getting to know a new candidate. The second way is when Families or Matching Supporters are talking to each other to determine whether their candidates might be good potential matches for each other. The third way is when candidates are getting to know each other. In all cases, these are sensitive questions and should be asked with care.
First Gen. Blessing Info Session
The First Generation Blessing Info Session is a webinar series for single first-generation candidates to discuss the Matching Process and how to prepare well for the Blessing.
There will also be discussions and opportunities to ask questions.