In Memory of Arthur Davis
In Memory of Arthur Davis
Arthur Davis
Spouse: Susie Davis
Children: Lawrence Bey, Arthur IV, Gregory, Hassan Ali, Rajahn, Malik, Devina, Zaynab
Birthdate: May 18, 1941
Blessing: July 25, 2004
Ascension Date: January 2, 2022
Seonghwa Ceremony: January 15, 2022
This Saturday, January 15th, friends and family of Mr. Arthur Davis, III will join together to celebrate the life of our brother Arthur Davis, III who passed away unexpectantly on January 2, 2022. Arthur was Blessed in marriage with Susie Davis on July 25, 2004.
Arthur was known within our community as being very civic-minded. When he retired from teaching remedial reading, Arthur felt his priority was to make life better and safer for those in his surrounding neighborhood. His compassionate heart didn’t mind funding these projects with his own money.
On May 28th, 2020 Arthur gathered volunteers and equipment to participate in the “Great American Cleanup”. He set the example to rid his neighborhood of trash, while making it fun for kids and adults. Let’s work together, encourage, motivate and inspire others to unite as members of one human family.”
Arthur published a book of his poetry “A Collection of Prose Poems, Haiku and Photographic Essay”. Being an avid reader, Arthur posted a story on Facebook of an anthropologist who invited a group of African children to play a game. The scientist placed a bowl of sweet fruit and told the kids whoever reached the tree first, could eat all of the fruit. The children locked hands, ran to the treat, and shared the fruit. The children called it “Ubunter: “I am because we are”. Is it possible for one to be happy when everyone is sad?
Arthur received an award for building sidewalks on either side of a bridge, so that pedestrians could cross safely. Arthur persevered even when faced with difficulties. He volunteered to cultivate an empty yard near the church into a community vegetable garden. He persuaded neighborhood children to participate. He paid for the sign announcing when the vegetables were ready to be picked.
Arthur quoted Gen Colin Powell during the racial “tensions throughout the nation: “We have come to live in a society based on insults, on lies and on things that aren’t true. It creates an environment where deranged people feel empowered.”
From the Bible: “Do not return evil for evil or reviling for reviling. On the contrary, bless instead; For to do this you have been called; that you may obtain a blessing. (1 Peter 3:9)
Love Offerings
Love Offerings can be made here. In the purpose section, choose "other," and in the specify section, type in "for Arthur Davis."
Seonghwa Ceremony
Date: January 15, 2022 at 1:00 PM (EST)
Location: Georgia True Family Community Center (3060 Bouldercrest Road, Ellenwood, GA 30294)
Online viewing by Zoom:
Passcode: 7000
Viewing 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Burial at Kennedy Memorial to follow service.