The Blessing Culture

Contributed by Christian Nseka, BFM Assistant Director

The Blessing is the process through which human beings inherit God’s love and engraft to God’s lineage. The Blessing Culture, on the other hand, is the expression of the Blessing. It is the vehicle through which the purpose of the Blessing is fulfilled.

The Blessing Culture is based more on love rather than faith alone. It is about establishing true love connections with God and fulfilling His ideal of creation.

In the context of relationship, faith is more of an exclusive relationship with God through one of His representatives, be it Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Father and Mother Moon, etc. If I have faith in God through Jesus, for instance, then Jesus is the bridge between me and God. Substituting Jesus would mean changing my faith in God. Same is true with having faith in God through Moses or Mohammed.

Having faith in the divine can be said to be a linear relationship. Loving God, on the other hand, can be said to be a spherical relationship. This is why it is possible to establish a relationship of love with the divine through more than one medium. This means that I can love God through different God-loving mediums simultaneously without jeopardizing the love relationship I have with God and my primary medium.

The nature of faith is that it can create divisions. However, the nature of love is about creating unity. By the same token, faith can be seen to give rise to boundaries. Love, on the other hand, eliminates boundaries. Faith can lead to conflicts, whereas generally love leads to harmony. Faith is not a bad thing. No, not at all. It is supposed to be a steppingstone for love, true love. This means that love does not exclude faith. Neither does it compromise it. It rather strengthens and perfects it.

The Blessing Culture is a family culture. It is a culture in which all human beings become God’s children, the children that God lost through the Fall. The children that God has longed for since, well, forever. This means that the Blessing Culture goes beyond religion.

God is the ultimate owner of the Blessing Culture. As His emissaries, Father and Mother Moon are the human owners of the Blessing Culture. This explains why they are referred to as the True Parents.

They are the True Parents because they are the first human beings to embody God’s ideal of true love and substantiate it from the individual level to the family level and beyond. They are the man and woman who have established God’s lineage and the foundation upon which all human beings, regardless of their religion or lack thereof, can belong to God’s lineage either by birth or by total reclamation. And the key to all of this is true love, the love that propels human beings to love the way God loves. This love can only be inherited through the Blessing and manifested through the Blessing Culture.

The Blessing Culture is about parents and children relationships. Through the Blessing Culture, God becomes our substantial Heavenly Parent and we, human beings, become His substantial children. Furthermore, through the Blessing culture, our siblings will become true siblings, our spouses true spouses, our children true children, our families true families, our society a true society, etc.

Although religion is its primary vehicle, the Blessing Culture is not bound by religion. It transcends religion. What would happen if the Blessing and its culture were bound by religion? It would be impossible to bring all human beings back to God. It would be impossible to make of humanity one global family.

The Blessing and its culture allow human beings to become international, intercultural, interracial, and interreligious siblings; and humanity, one family under God.

Think about what will happen when everybody embraces the Blessing Culture as established by the True Parents. That will be a world of peace where everybody lives in harmony. Are we going to agree on everything all the time? More likely not. But one thing for sure is that God’s love will be the driving force. And when God’s love is the driving force through the Blessing Culture, eventually, the world of evil will be no more.

Let us substantiate the Blessing Culture.

Thank you for reading.


The Intrinsic Impact of the Blessing


In Memory of James Anderson