In Memory of Jeddie Collins King


Jeddie Collins King

Spouse: Elma King
Birthdate: November 9, 1934
Blessing: January 31, 2009
Ascension: April 17, 2022
Seonghwa Ceremony: April 23, 2022


Rev. Jeddie Collins King was born in Kissimmee, Florida in 1934 to loving parents Ellis and Emma King. He grew up with five siblings. In 1961 he moved to Queens, NY and in 1975, met and joined the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (Unification Church). Rev. King served in The International Family Association (IFA) in 1976, an organization formed to connect with parents of members to counter the negativity towards the Unification Church and take care of those who could not be full-time members. In 1977, he converted his garage into a church and started Home Church in the United States.  He founded and guided the Interfaith Community Church in Queens, NY from this store-front church for many years. One of his early spiritual daughters, Angie Moore, baked cakes for True Parents.

Realizing that before the leaders in the Unification movement could gain any recognition from Christian churches, Rev. King introduced the use of the title “Reverend,” as it is an important title in Christian churches. In 1981, he spoke at the “‘We Shall Overcome’ - Protect Religious Liberties and Minority Rights" Rally in Foley Square, NY to protest the unfair persecution of Father Moon.  

In 1983, Rev. King was ordained by the Ethiopian Orthodox Coptic Church, where he gained the title Priest. From 1984 to 1988, he worked with the Interdenominational Conferences for Clergy (ICC), which brought more than 7,000 pastors to South Korea and Japan. Rev. Kind also served as ICC coordinator in the New York Church and as Assistant Pastor in the Unification Church in Queens, NY.  

Around the year 1990, True Parents encouraged members to go back to their homes and start Tribal Messiahship. In 1992, Rev. Kinng made the move back to his hometown, Kissimmee, FL, and continued Home Church in his family home. After his parents passed away, he renovated his parent’s home on 1513 Central Ave. in Kissimmee, which now stands as a historical landmark, and started the Interfaith Community Church in Kissimmee. 

Since childhood, Rev. King wanted to be independent and productive. He went above and beyond to care for family members who needed his care. As such, he was appointed Orlando City Leader for FFWPU from October 1996 to December 2005, and in 2002 he and his wife, Elma, were appointed ACLC co-coordinators. They produced many powerful Prayer Breakfasts and Pastor’s Forums from June 21, 2007 to December 9, 2010, working to serve 10 established churches in America. From there, Rev. King went on to work in radio with the Ministry Hosting of “The Kingdom Comes,” an International Radio Broadcasting Ministry sharing the words of True Parents across the world. The Roadside Blessings, founded by Elma, was an outreach service they both served in which they provided free clothes, food, toys, Blessings and prayers. 

Rev. King is the Vice President of TP of TF Foundation, which helps provide lights for schools, churches and homes in Cap-Haitien in Haiti, and clothes, food and toys for the orphanage. Rev. King is also the President of the Interfaith Community Centre. 

With all of this, Rev. King finished his autobiography on Aug. 28, 2014 entitled, “JC, A King’s Story,” which can be found on Amazon.  In December 20, 2015 he started a video series depicting his early years and completed it in 2016. The videos can be purchased at the King’s Home Church in Kissimmee. The King’s Home Church was converted in 2021 to King’s Heartline Holy Community. As a Tribal Messiah, Rev. King and Elma have worked with Rev. Emmanuel and Rev. Victorine Souck to help build and complete a center for service in their hometown of Cameroon, Africa. 

Rev. King is a pastor, a counselor, and a Divine Principle lecturer. Over his many years of service, he has received certificates of achievements, as well as recognitions, awards, and gifts for his hard work and unwavering service. However, more than anything, Rev. King has been hard at work to fulfill his responsibilities as a Tribal Messiah. Having traveled on missions all over the world, he visited six countries: Japan, Brazil, Paraguay, Israel, Korea, Bulgaria, and Bahamas. His mission countries were Bulgaria and Brazil, where he traveled at the risk of his life. He also traveled extensively in many states across the United States.

Rev. King and Elma founded a new Center in Kissimmee, FL following True Mother’s direction for members to launch 5,000 churches in America. Together, they lived for the sake of others, wishing to bring all of their families and tribes into the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. They were one of the 12 couples who answered the first call to come to Korea in 2017 with the completion of their 430 couples blessing. After returning home, they embarked on a mission to complete another 430, and went on to do even a third 430 couples. With an urgent call to show love and respect for their ancestors, they liberated 430 generations and celebrated their homecoming on Nov. 15, 2019.

On November 16, 2019 Jeddie and Elma celebrated their 43 couples at the beautiful Belinsky Community House with the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Rev. King and Elma were thus blessed with the title of Tribal Messiah Representatives in Florida. With this title, they have helped many Blessed families over the finishing line of 430 couples and helped one Blessed family to finish their CheonBo couple mission.

He and his wife have purchased 7 lots where they will build a new Interfaith Community Centre in Kissimmee in an effort to leave a legacy of love on earth and to help fulfill God’s dream.

On Oct. 9, 2020, Rev. King and Elma became a CheonBo Couple and were inducted into the Heavenly Hall of Flame. His promise was to work until his last breath for the providence, and he did.  Learn more about his life in his book “JC, A King’s Story,” and his CD “Jeddie King - The Early Years.”

Rev. King has also been at the forefront of the Blessing of Marriages Movement in the Southeast Region (SR2) of the United States. His heart of devotion, concern and love for all people has come through at every level of his and Heavenly Elma King’s ministry together. Their Roadside Marriage Blessing Movement and Kings Home Church created a vibrant blessing community in Florida and was recognized by our National and International movement as exemplary examples of the path for Heavenly Tribal Messiahship. Through his unique skills, passion and talents, Rev. King lived a long and productive life of service and love. 

Reflections from Rev. King’s wife, Elma King: 

Rev. King’s life as a son was led with a heart of filial Piety to his parents since childhood to his parent’s death. At an appointed time in his life, he was the person who took responsibility at his Uncle Rufus Aker’s final days. Also, he took responsibility for his aunt Mattie Wilson as a legal guardian in her final days, so she could be surrounded by family. He felt honored to make those commitments to his brothers and his elders. He is a father of five children, and he has kept his commitments as a father, and also as a grandfather to his grandchildren, to the very best of his ability. He has been a point of inspiration in the lives of many. Rev King Loved God and people. He worried about the lost ones—if God had 100 sheep and one was lost, he would leave the 99 in search for the one. Rev. King never gave up searching for that one. He has brought so many sheep back to God’s embrace. He cared very deeply about the broken hearted, always trying to bring them back and show them True Love as a parent. He prayed and cried on his pillow many a night to be able to live to see that one family under God as God envisioned.

Seonghwa Ceremony

Date: Saturday, April 23rd at 11:00 AM EDT
Location: St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church (400 East Columbia Ave., Kissimmee, Florida 34744)
Wonjeon service: Rose Hill Cemetery (1615 Old Boggy Creek Rd., Kissimmee, FL 34744)
The ceremony can be watched on live on Facebook:

You may send cards and messages to: OR
Elma King
3400 Suzette Drive
Kissimmee, FL 34746


In Memory of Denis Fellenz


In Memory of Susan Lee