In Memory of Bob Randolph


Bob Randolph

Spouse: Valerie Randolph
Children: Julie (Se Gil) Feldsott, Emily Randolph
Birthdate: October 1, 1952
Blessing: July 1, 1982
Ascension: March 30, 2022
Seonghwa Ceremony: April 1, 2022


On October 1, 1952, Robert “Bob” Arn Randolph was born and his fight began. Born a twin prematurely two months early, he went from two pounds down to one in his first week as an infant. Yet his will to survive was strong even then.

Growing up with slightly premature eyes that caused a handicap of partial-blindness in one eye didn't make things easy for Bob. He was heavily teased and bullied by other kids for wearing quarter-inch thick glasses, but he developed a keen sense of how to ward off bullies and exerted himself in order to prove to other kids he was no different than them. At age 9, his dad suddenly died of heart failure, leaving him, his sister and his brother alone to raise themselves.

Public school was a breeze for Bob, but as he approached his high school graduation, there was no one pushing him to pursue a college degree or an ambitious career. Nevertheless, Bob felt there was something beyond his hometown calling his name. As a teenager, Bob visited a medium, just for fun, where he was told, "You will marry a girl named Valerie."

Searching for meaning years later at age 22, Bob met the Unification Church in Boulder, Colorado. But the way Bob was introduced to the church felt more like a job interview. After completing his first workshop he asked, "Did I get the job?"

After years of battling shyness on MFT, Bob was thrilled to be called to the 1979 matching. Yet when True Father saw him, he told Bob to sit down. The next matching in 1980 had the same result. Finally, in late June 1982, on the second day of matchings, True Father found Bob's Minnesota bride, Valerie, and they were Blessed in Marriage the next week on July 1, 1982. They spent the next 40 years raising two daughters, Julie and Emily, and building a life together in a large suburb in PG County, Maryland, then in their dream home in Milton, DE.

Bob never let his limited eyesight hold him back as he worked tirelessly for the success he built for himself and his family. After working his way up the ranks at the Washington Times for 10 years, Bob worked at Green Peace for a time and completed his career with 15 years at National Public Radio, working in an office on the top floor of the NPR DC headquarters. Just before retiring, at age 59, he suffered a sudden arrhythmic heart attack, followed by years of surgeries. On March 30, 2022, at age 69, he passed from congestive heart failure.

Bob was a kind and adventurous soul and will be remembered by his love of family, friends, country, and God's Will. In spite of hardship, Bob was always positive. He always took the opportunity to do and to defend what was right. He was a remarkable person.

A private Seonghwa Ceremony was held for Bob on April 1st, 2022 in the home of the Randolph family. A "celebration of life" event will be held in Milton, Delaware on Sunday, May 1st, 2022.

Please reach out to Val Randolph if you'd like to attend:

You may send cards or letters to:

Val Randolph
220 Chandler St
Milton, DE 19968


In Memory of Susan Lee


In Memory of Theodore Casten