In Memory of Marilyn Eaton


Marilyn Eaton

Birthdate: January 7, 1954
Ascension: February 23, 2023
Seonghwa Ceremony: February 26, 2023


Marilyn was born in Worcester, Massachusetts to Frank and Mary Eaton. She had three siblings: Bob, Virginia, and Willy. When she was two, her family moved to Hazardville, Connecticut. She attended high school and a Catholic Church there.

She studied at the University of Connecticut, earning a Liberal Arts Degree with a specialty in pottery. During her senior year she met the Unification Church. She earned a Masters in Religious Ed at Unification Theological Seminary in Barrytown, New York in 1981.

Upon graduating she went on to serve as a Unification Church Missionary in England and Germany. In 1985 she returned to the U.S. taking up residence in Atlanta, Georgia. Marilyn’s heart of love and service shone brightly as she supported The Interdenominational Conferences for Clergy (ICC), a God-inspired vision and mission of Rev. Moon in fostering unity among Christianity. Marilyn helped with planning and care of clergy and guests. Members and leaders recognized her as an invaluable secretary and VIP-Care Staff Representative. She was humble, gracious, and had an unwavering dedication to her mission; she helped make the conferences a remarkable success! 

Marilyn moved to Minnesota in 2015 and lived at the home of Bruce and Sachiko Johnson. Together they served the Minnesota Family Church Community. All were part of the choir, an activity that Marilyn loved singing as an alto.

She soon started working a full time position at Walmart as a customer service representative. Even though she was soft-spoken, Marilyn often took on the hardest job no one else wanted. To her it was just a way to expand her heart and serve all types of people.

From 2019 to 2022, Marilyn became a live-in-house sorority mom at the University of Minnesota campus.  It was during this time that Marilyn experienced more of the painful parental heart of God, all the while maintaining her then part-time customer service position at Walmart. 

Throughout her entire residence in Minnesota, Marilyn graciously served and supported the Minnesota Family Church. She dedicated her time to church events, often transporting members who needed rides to church and other errands. She was always ready to lend a comforting ear over coffee after church services.

For the past year, Marilyn was a dedicated member to an Online Holy Community of church sisters who met weekly to pray, study God’s words, and deepen their relationship as sisters. During the weekly meetings, Marilyn displayed such a comforting heart of humility, grace, timely wisdom, and love.  Her presence will be greatly missed.

As Marilyn begins her spiritual journey to the eternal homeland with our Heavenly Parent, she will be uplifted and accompanied with abundant prayers and remembrances of her heartfelt life of love and service by her family, friends, and the Minnesota and Georgia communities.

Seonghwa Ceremony

Date: Sunday February 26, 2023 at 5:00 PM CST
Location: Minnesota Family Church (3836 NE Stinson Blvd, Columbia Heights, MN 55421)
The viewing will be broadcast at 3:00 PM CST on Monday, February 27 from the funeral home.

If you’d like to send flowers, please contact information Rev. Ha at 651-226-7938.

GoFundMe to support her family:

Zoom link
Meeting ID: 508 018 905
Passcode: 2020


In Memory of Yaeko Echevarria


In Memory of Juan Morales