In Memory of James Stewart


Rev. James Stewart

Spouse: Matilda 
Children: Alan, Ahna
Birthdate: February 1, 1959
Blessing: July 1, 1982
Ascension: December 22, 2022
Seonghwa Ceremony: January 5, 2022


Rev. James Stewart was born in Peebles, Scotland in 1959. He spent his early years on the island of Malta. He completed his secondary education in Scotland, and at the age of eighteen joined the Unification Movement in Edinburgh. He received the Marriage Blessing with Matilda Ayers from Baltimore, Maryland at the 2075 Couples’ Marriage Blessing at Madison Square Garden in New York in 1982. They have two adult children, Alan and Ahna.

James came from a strong Scottish Presbyterian background—two of his relatives were Moderators of the Church of Scotland. Soon after he arrived in the United States, James became a mentee of the Reverend Won Pil Kim, who was Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s first follower from his early days in Pyongyang in North Korea. From Rev. Kim, James received one on one training for two years—training of the heart that would last his entire life. After this formative period, James was given a very special mission to take care of several of Father and Mother Moon’s teenage children, with a special focus on Heung Jin. In those days, the Unification Movement experienced widespread persecution and hostility, and James became the companion and friend of Father and Mother’s children. James had extensive experience in the outdoor life as practiced in Scotland and went on to teach them horseback riding.

In 1984, James and Tilly were given a new mission as a commander of the International One World Crusade (IOWC). When this was completed, he became the Church leader in Billings, Montana, where he had many great successes with ministers and VIPs.

James later returned to Scotland, and in 1991, Tilly joined him. They were then given a major fundraising responsibility, which covered most of Western Europe. James took great care of his teams, and members responded by breaking fundraising records for his entire tenure as fundraising director.

At this point, James was given the opportunity to study for his bachelor’s degree at the University of Glasgow and to do his graduate work at the University of St. Andrews.

The family returned to the US in 2001, and it was at this point that FFWPU USA National Headquarters discovered James’ phenomenal organizational ability. From 2001 to 2005, he was the American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC) National Executive Director. James was able to keep a clear head and a faithful heart under severe pressure. He then went on to be the General Affairs Coordinator at the HSA-UWC/FFWPU National HQ under then President, Dr. Michael Jenkins.

From 2008 to 2013, James was the Small Group coordinator in District 1 in the Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia (DMV) area. Around 2009, James and Tilly moved to Baltimore, Tilly’s hometown, and in 2013, he became the Pastor of the Baltimore Family Fellowship.

In 2017, Rev. Stewart was appointed the Southeast regional General Affairs director and in August 2018 was tasked to organize the HJ CheonBo event at the University of Maryland. Members came from all over the Southeast and beyond. James’ ability to delegate responsibility and inspire confidence in others contributed to its great success.

In 2019, James was appointed as the Maryland State Leader. Rev. Stewart then led a Peace Starts with Me Rally in Baltimore, gathering clergy and civic leaders together to promote peace in the city of Baltimore and give hope to its youth. As part of the event, a strenuous clean-up project was organized and hundreds of bags of groceries were distributed to families in need. In fact, James and his family have run a very significant food distribution program for many years, one which still distributes food every week.

Then in 2021, in the midst of his battle with esophageal cancer, he accepted an appointment as the Senior Pastors’ Association representative in the Southeast region.

As great as all these accomplishments are, it is as a spiritual leader that Rev. Stewart has made his greatest impact. His incredible patience, unassuming character, and his warm, loving approach to people, as well as his love for God, Jesus and True Parents, have made an indelible impression on people of all walks of life.

James is survived by his wife, Matilda (Tilly); his son, Alan, and daughter, Ahna; his mother, Agnes Stewart; brothers, Philip and John, and sister, Rhona Kerr; and their extended families. In addition, he is also survived by Tilly’s extended family, her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and spiritual children.


Seonghwa Ceremony

Date: Thursday, January 5 at 10:30 AM EST (Viewing will begin at 10:00 AM EST)
Location: Faith Christian Center Church International (3517 Harford Rd, Baltimore, MD 21218)

Wonjeon Ceremony at 1:30 PM
Location: Historic Green Mount Cemetery (1501 Greenmount Ave, Baltimore, MD 21202)

The Ceremony will also be livestreamed via Zoom:
Passcode: 2027

GoFundMe to help the family with expenses:


In Memory of Annette Springer


In Memory of Ryoichi Minakawa