In Memory of Annette Springer


Annette Springer

Spouse: Ronald M. Springer
Children: Michael, Mitchell Springer
Birthdate: April 12, 1958
Blessing: April 25, 2021
Ascension: December 30, 2022
Seonghwa Ceremony: January 15, 2022


Annette Springer, wife of Ronald M. Springer, was born in Georgetown, Guayana, the fourth surviving child of Peter and Mary Figueiredo. She was a brilliant child, graduating not only early, but with nine distinctions at the G.C.E O levels. After university, she went on to become a teacher.

In 1977, she came to hear of The Unification Church and True Parents, but did not become a member until 1979. Mrs. Barbara Van Praag Sigaar educated her in the Divine Principle. Her faith and dedication to God and to True Parents was a deep one. In that time, she dedicated herself to service, helping to fundraise for the now famous Joshua House, then in its early stages for its renovation fund and children's food program. She managed the kitchen stores at Croal Street, which was the location of the Unification Church in Guyana at that time. 

In the early 80's she started her professional career in accounting and auditing for Delloite & Touche. She was also doing audits at companies such as GT&T and GPO Guyana telecommunications and postal services. In 1993, Annette joined her husband and migrated with their two children, Michael and Mitchell, to the United States. She worked for a time at the World Mission Center as a bookkeeper and later on at The New Yorker Hotel. Later on in her career, she worked for Goldman & Sacks in their accounts department until 2003. 

Annette was a founding charter member of a church called the Emmanuel Deliverance Center. She dedicated her time and service to them in their formative years. After this, she returned to The Unification Church at 4 West 43rd Street, where she once again dedicated herself to service as part of their hospitality team. She ensured members had a warm meal to eat. Her kindness and dedication to service touched many members. In the last few years, she was no longer able to serve as she would like to; however, she continued her life of service by helping the Long Island Church with their speech making.

As matriarch of her family, she pushed to liberate her ancestors, achieving a liberation of four hundred and twenty ancestors. She was the first in the Long Island community to complete the 1-hour and 2-hour Divine Principle readings before her passing.

Annette has left behind a legacy of great faith, devotion and service for her family to continue. Those who she touched will remember her for not only her service, but her kind and caring heart. She will be greatly missed. 

Seonghwa Ceremony  

Date: Sunday, January 15th at 2:00 PM
Location: Manhattan Family Church (4 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036)

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 854 2268 1404
Passcode: 2027

Donation Link:

Prayer Chain:

Prayer Vigil (every night at 9:00 PM until the Seonghwa Date):

If you would like to send flowers for the Seonghwa Ceremony, they can be delivered between 12-2 PM on Sunday, January 15th to the following address:
Manhattan Family Church
4 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036


In Memory of Lewis Pearlman


In Memory of James Stewart