Blue Dragon Matching Group

Calling all committed individuals who are interested in finding a Match for the 2025 or 2026 Cosmic Blessing

Interest Form Closes Soon: Sept. 22

If you are interested in joining this exclusive group, please submit the interest form below.

We will decide details of the program based on the interest forms that are submitted.

Program will begin at the beginning of October.

What is this Group?

The Blue Dragon 2025/2026 Matching Group is an online network for individuals with strong faith, offering a space for committed candidates to connect and find a spouse for the 2025 or 2026 Cosmic Blessing.

Why should I join?

Join to connect with like-minded singles who are focused on finding a God-centered spouse, while also benefiting from weekly education, accountability, and deep discussions to prepare for a Blessed marriage.

How does this program help me find a spouse?

Engage in weekly Zoom calls, guided questions, and networking opportunities designed to help candidates build meaningful connections and move toward the 2025 or 2026 Cosmic Blessing.

Process to Begin Your Journey

Fill out the interest form

Step One

Complete the form to express your interest in joining the Blue Dragon Matching Group.

Wait for invitation to apply

Step Two

Stay tuned! You'll receive an invitation to apply once applications open.

Join the weekly Zoom calls

Step Three

Get ready to connect—registration for weekly Zoom calls will open soon!

“We offer You our gratitude. Heavenly Parent, please accept this joy and glory. I pray that all 8,000 couples who are receiving the Blessing today will fulfill their responsibility. Let them guide the eight billion people of the world to Heavenly Parent's bosom in the shortest possible time so that they can become couples whom You will remember and be proud of and in whom You will have increasing hope. Please grant them Your wisdom and capability. We pledge that they will become proud blessed couples of Cheon Il Guk who will, without fail, accomplish their dutiful path as filial sons and daughters and loyal subjects in front of You, Heavenly Parent, and so please accept them with joy. In True Parents' name we pray and proclaim these words. Aju.”

True Parents’ Blessing Prayer at the 2023 Hyojeong Cosmic Blessing Festival

Meet the dedicated team ready to guide and support you on your journey toward a God-centered marriage. Together, we’re here to help you grow in faith, build meaningful connections, and find a spouse with whom you can create a strong, God-centered future. Your path to the Cosmic Blessing starts with the support of a community committed to your success.

The Team!