The HJ Matching Support (previously called Blue Dragon Matching Suggestion) is an opportunity to receive a Matching Suggestion from a Matching Committee from the USA.
We are looking for candidates who will take this Matching Suggestion seriously and are committed to a 7-day conversation with the suggested person.
Now you can become a Sponsor and help individuals from a specific region to be able to participate in the program.
Participant Reflections!
What is this Program?
The HJ Matching Support is a Program for individuals who would like to receive prayerfully created Matching Suggestions based on their preferences and vision for their future.
The program will run in cycles and each participant can join as many cycles as they would like.
Each cycle runs for 2 weeks. The first week is prayer time where the Matching Committee will be creating the suggestions. The second week is testing time, where each suggested match will spend 7 days talking with each other to decide if they would like to start an Official Matching Process or not.
Why should I join?
This program will allow you to talk for 7 days with one suggestion at a time. This helps make this process less overwhelming.
All suggestions are going to be based on your preferences and vision for the future as much as possible. Therefore every person you talk with will be a relevant option for you.
It will help you develop your communication skills and work on understanding more who you are and what you want.
The nature of this program is Spiritual and therefore your participation will allow the spirit world to work closer in your life and you will feel more spiritual guidance and support.
How does this program help me find a spouse?
Receiving relevant Matching Suggestions and purposefully engaging in communication on an ongoing basis will increase the chances of you meeting the person you want to commit to and creating a family with.
The program has a total of 7 cycles and you could potentially receive 7 suggestions.

Process to Begin Your Journey
Create a Profile in Blessing4U
For the Matching Committee to be able to learn more about you and have something to share with the possible suggestions please create a Profile in Blessing4U.
Register for the Program
Register for the Program and share with us more about you and your preferences.
There is going to be a one-time Registration Fee of $100. Scholarships will be available through BFD centers for international participants or through the Subregional Senior Pastors.
Opt-in for each Cycle
Once registered, you will need to opt-in or opt-out for each cycle. You will have the chance to update your preferences and your profile.
Now you can become a Sponsor and help individuals from a specific region to be able to participate in the program.
Common Questions:
We will accept registrations of singles from 21 to 45 years old.
All Generations can registered in the program.
It is not guaranteed that you will receive a Matching Suggestion. We will do everything on our power to give you a suggestion within the first 3 cycles of your registration. If that doesn't happen we will refund your registration fee.
You can Register for any cycle between the start of the first (October 14) and the last (February 4) cycle registration.
Yes, International Approved Candidates by their region can register for this program.
If you need financial support please talk with the BFD of your region. Or find someone who can sponsor you.
You can become a Sponsor and help individuals from a specific region to be able to participate in the program.
Meet the Matching Committee
Andrea Khun
BFM Director for Canada
Andrea has been a Matching Supporter for more than 10 years, helping dozens of families and singles find their Matches. She is an expert in Special Grace and Intergenerational Couples.
Miilhan Stephens
Miilhan is the most active Pastor in the area of Matching and Blessing. He has a big group of brothers who he mentors and helps as a Pastor and Matching Supporter. He has so much success in his method and strategy that he would like to help others in their Path to the Blessing as well.
Tomomi Fukuda
Tomomi is a Mother and Wife who went through her own journey to be able to find her spouse. Now she wants to help others on their Blessing Journey. As the Secretary-General of the SouthEast Region, she is deeply involved in her region’s youth journey toward their Blessing.
Carina Mendez
Carina is the Director of the Blessing Ministry in the USA. She is passionate about the Matching and Blessing and have helped many people in their journey. She is facilitating the Committee and overall responsible of the program.
“We offer You our gratitude. Heavenly Parent, please accept this joy and glory. I pray that all 8,000 couples who are receiving the Blessing today will fulfill their responsibility. Let them guide the eight billion people of the world to Heavenly Parent's bosom in the shortest possible time so that they can become couples whom You will remember and be proud of and in whom You will have increasing hope. Please grant them Your wisdom and capability. We pledge that they will become proud blessed couples of Cheon Il Guk who will, without fail, accomplish their dutiful path as filial sons and daughters and loyal subjects in front of You, Heavenly Parent, and so please accept them with joy. In True Parents' name we pray and proclaim these words. Aju.”
True Parents’ Blessing Prayer at the 2023 Hyojeong Cosmic Blessing Festival