In Memory of Sam Huneycutt


Samuel Hyo-IL Huneycutt

Parents: Bob & Ryoko Huneycutt
Birthdate: December 9, 1988
Ascension date: September 22, 2022
Seonghwa: October 1, 2022


Samuel (Sam) Hyo-IL Huneycutt was born in New York City on a cold, wintry nigh. He grew up in the south and spent most of his life in North Carolina. He was an intelligent and athletic child, particularly talented in soccer. In middle school, he became self-conscious and by high school, he was so acutely shy that it was a struggle for him to graduate. Even so, he took advanced courses and ran competitively with the cross-country team.

After graduation he turned his attention to computer games, at which he excelled due to quick reflexes and intensive research. He spent six months in a leadership training program called Next Gen Academy, where he challenged himself to fundraise, do service projects, and expand his horizons. 

Sam became interested in environmental issues, learning about composting and electric cars. He became vegan and loved shopping at Perkins Orchard in Durham and at local farmer’s markets. He rode his bike whenever possible. 

He also developed an interest in Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism, and took a train to Florida to attend a Metaphysical Conference, camping there for two weeks. He flew to Hawaii to spend a month with a Healing Community, where he studied the ancient Hawaiian spiritual practice of Ho’oponopono. Sam was an example to all of us by taking time to forgive those who had hurt him and offering apologies to those he felt he might have offended. 

He is survived by his parents, Bob and Ryoko Huneycutt; his sister Kay and her husband James Love; brother Gene and his wife Marina and their daughter Grace; brothers Ken and Thomas and sister Natsuyo; as well as his grandmother, Colly Beck of Havelock, and aunt, Donna Carter of Newport News. His family gratefully acknowledges all the kind sentiments and abundant love that brought consolation during this time of loss and ascension.  

Seonghwa Ceremony

Date: Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 12:00 PM EDT
Location: Triangle Family Church (1414 Watts street, Durham, NC, 27701)
Live zoom:

Cards and flowers can be sent to:
Bob & Ryoko Huneycutt
3730 Jackson Rd
Durham, NC 27705


In Memory of Ki-Yeal Lee


In Memory of Johannes de Goeij