In Memory of Joel Lindstrom


Joel Lindstrom

Spouse: Megumi Lindstrom
Children: Seizan, Grace, Seikai, Seiji
Birthdate: August 18, 1953
Blessing: July 1, 1982
Ascension Date: January 29, 2023
Seonghwa Ceremony: February 4, 2023


Joel Robert Lindstrom was born in Cleveland, Ohio to Glen and Ruth (Widing) Lindstrom on August 18th, 1953. He grew up in South Euclid, Ohio with his two older sisters. As a young blonde trouble maker, he often earned the nickname “Dennis the Menace” in his family. His childhood was an audacious time in his life that he recalled fondly, and he was filled with curiosity and adventure that fueled a love and appreciation for nature.

After graduating from Brush High school in 1971, Joel attended Ohio State University for a brief time before becoming eminently ill which led him to resign from classes. Shortly afterward, he was drafted into the military where he joined the U.S. Navy for three years during the Vietnam war era. He then moved to Washington state to pursue an undergraduate degree in Biochemistry at The Evergreen State College.

In 1979, Joel was approached by his spiritual mother, Catherine LaDolcette, and soon joined the Unification Church. On July 1st, 1982 he was Blessed to Megumi Fujita, his wife of 40 years, by participating in the 2075 Blessing Couple Ceremony at Madison Square Garden. Joel and Megumi had four spirited children: Seizan, Grace, Seikai, and Seiji.

Joel had many professions over the years. He worked as a mechanic at a church owned business called Happiness International in Chicago, as a salesman at Sailo Machine Tools, a salesman at Chevrolet, a kiosk manager at various shopping malls, and as a courier. In 2012, Joel experienced a mild heart attack and lost his ability to maintain work life. He dedicated himself to working with ministers to witness and educate them about True Parents teachings on core family values, and sharing Gods love back in his hometown Cleveland, Ohio.

Through the years his family grew and Joel became a loving grandfather to Seihi, Hikari, Rika, Mei, Leo, and Sofia. He told entertaining stories throughout his life, sometimes with a hint of exaggeration, but always with the pure heart of child. Joel Robert Lindstrom passed away on January 29th, 2023 at the Cleveland Clinic Medical Center after a severe heart attack. He was surrounded by close friends and family as he peacefully passed.

Seonghwa Ceremony

Date: Saturday February 4, 2023 at 5:00 PM EST
Location: Ohio Family Church, Columbus OH (4303 Indianola Ave, Columbus, OH 43214)

Donation Link:

Cards and condolences may be sent to the family at:
7665 Smoketree Ct. Columbus, OH 43235


In Memory of Tina Rodriguez


In Memory of Ronald Trumpet