When Our Beloved Spouse Ascends
By Elizabeth Seidel
Birth, marriage, and death are the three main events in one’s life. We all wish to know, is there life after life? When I was a teenager, this was one of my fundamental questions.
The process of dying for my husband Dietrich lasted about a year. When he was in and out of the hospital for chemotherapy and infection, one day out of the blue I asked him bluntly, “Are you scared of dying?” He answered in a very calm voice, “No, it is very natural.”
How could I imagine that death was also something natural for him? I could not even entertain the thought, “What am I going to do without him?” I could not imagine him going away now, not so soon. But somehow his answer satisfied me. Passing into the next world should be something very natural.
He knew there are three stages of life: The first 9 months in the womb is a world of water. In the earthly life we are breathing air. The last stage is in the spirit world. Like the baby who goes through the tunnel of the uterus to be born, we also go through a tunnel to arrive in the next world. There we breathe love.
The hospital discharged Dietrich because there was nothing more they could do, and the hospice care began. Before he passed, I told him:
“Do not worry. I will take care of everything. Things I do not know about. Things I never did before. Things I do not want to do. Things I am afraid of. Things beyond myself. How to figure things out without you around. Things left unfinished. But do not worry I will take care of everything. All the wrongs, I will make right. All the pains, I will heal. All the miseries, I will make them joys. Because you left me with a reservoir of true love.”
The day he passed we began a different relationship together. I continued to have a relationship with Dietrich. I could not see him but we communicated with thoughts and feelings. I sensed his presence at times.
Because my husband and I were so close during our lifetime, we used to share everything. We talked a lot. We were the other half of each other. So of course, I have continued to share many things with him since his passing several years ago.
One night I had a short dream of Dietrich. Someone said, “Dietrich is on the phone.” So, I rushed to the phone, thinking he was still in the hospital. When I picked up the phone, I just heard the sound of his voice far, far away. The communication had a bad reception and I could not understand what he was saying. When I woke up, I thought the connection will be better next time.
I talk to him while looking at his picture. I write letters to him. Sometimes he answers me like a deep intuition, an emotion, a subtle presence, a certainty, a love sentence coming at me out of somewhere. Then joy comes into my heart as a river of peace, a sense of protection and affirmation of the eternal. Is it not the cherished hope of humanity that we live forever? That there is life after life?
I began writing my thoughts down, in the form of letters to my beloved. And I was able to receive his answers! One time I received:
“I am thrilled that you are writing to me. It is even better than the telephone because it is written, and I can read it again and again, the writings of my most beautiful wife!”
We were able to communicate because True Love travels everywhere. I am not a medium but I have deep intuition and feelings. Through thoughts, inspiration, and knowing, somehow, we did manage to understand each other and send letters back and forth, because of the love we experienced here on earth!
My children also had some experiences where their father visited them, touched their lives in a way that was meaningful to them. For that I am so grateful.
Last year, in 2023, we celebrated seven years since Dietrich’s passing. A whole circle has been accomplished.
For me, even if he lives in a different dimension, we work and live together, we talk together, we cry together, we celebrate together, because true love never stops. It transcends barriers; the vibrations and energies go back and forth between the two worlds.
It has been a learning experience for me to live alone but together with Dietrich. I feel his presence every day and he is sending messages. Love travels everywhere. So, for these seven years my mission has been to put his life’s work together and to open more widely the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven.
My new book Letters Beyond the Veil describes my journey after my beloved Dietrich ascended to the eternal realm, including many of the letters we wrote to each other during the years since he passed.
For anyone whose beloved spouse, or someone very close in heart, has already ascended from this earthly realm, I hope this book will offer comfort, hope, and inspiration. One widow who read it said:
“I know many lives will be touched and comforted by this book as she shares practical ways God has given her to navigate through the grief process, as she remembers the special relationship she had and still has with her beloved. … She has encouraged me.”
For couples who will inevitably face the reality that one will ascend and the other will remain on earth, I can testify that although the pain is real, the connection, the love is not lost. We remain connected through the “veil” until we are reunited in the eternal realm.
Letters Beyond the Veil is available to purchase in print and for Kindle