Education Curriculum: Level 2: Preparing for Marriage - $60.00

The curriculum is intended for use by pastors, ministry leaders and all those who wish to host a Level 2 Blessing Education Workshop for members of their local Unification Church community. Attendees will learn how they can begin the Blessing matching process in the Unification tradition. Level 2 begins with the questions: “How prepared am I?” and “What am I bringing to the table?” It deepens participants’ understanding of healthy relationships, and introduces the value of lineage. It explores the meaning and value of True Parents’ lineage and their legacy. It introduces the matching handbooks and provides clear, step-by-step guidance for beginning and following through with the matching process successfully. Individuals must complete Level 2 Blessing Education in order to become a qualified Matching Candidate and receive the Marriage Blessing.
MatchNet is your guide to becoming an extraordinarily marriageable person, and finding a matching partner that shares your vision and values to receive the Blessing with. You’ll meet other outstanding singles who are looking for the same thing.
This handbook is designed for Unificationists who are working with the support of their parents to search for and find their eternal spouse.
This handbook is for single Unificationists and close friends of our faith community who are interested in the matching and Blessing process, and for those who will support them, to inherit the beautiful tradition of matching and the Blessing of Marriage.
“Preparing for Marriage” Level 2 Blessing Education video series is designed to give you a practical understanding of the Matching process, as well as a deeper understanding of the value of the Marriage Blessing.
The “Growing as a Couple” Level 3 Blessing Education video series is designed to give you an
understanding of what it means to be a couple inside the Marriage Blessing, as well as learn practical techniques to further explore your couple’s relationship.
The curriculum is intended for use by pastors, ministry leaders and all those who wish to host a Level 2 Blessing Education Workshop for members of their local Unification Church community.
This Blessing Workshop material is designed for young people who are 16 years and older who want to understand and prepare for the matching and Blessing in the Unificationist tradition.
Beautifully illustrated rhymes that express the concepts about give-and-take action in daily life. A great introduction to introduce this core concept to children.
True Parents & Me is a coloring book about Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han Moon. This book gives your child a fun and meaningful connection with True Parents.
Light of Glory is a collection of stories that follow the lives of True Parents, the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the founders of the Unification Church.