In Memory of Richard Wiltermood

Richard Wiltermood

Spouse: Kazuyo Wiltermood
Children: James, Daniel, Rebecca
DOB: April 15, 1942
Blessing: July 1, 1982
Passing: August 7, 2024
Seonghwa Ceremony: Friday, August 16 at 9:30 AM at BAFC WonJeon:  Friday, August 16 at 12:30 PM at Lone Tree Cemetery -  24591 Fairview Avenue, Hayward, CA 94542
Seonghwa Live Broadcast Link: 

Send Flowers: Can be ordered through Monika Kellet at 510  853 1703 or  any local florist
Card and Donation: Check payable to Kazuyo Wiltermood

13570 Mount Rainier Street Reno, NV 89506

Richard Alvin Wiltermood was born in Peoria, Illinois on April 15, 1942. He was the son of Joseph and Zena Wiltermood and was the youngest of six siblings: Mary, Edna, Joanne, Lee, and Joe. Richard grew up on a big farm in Illinois where his dad worked as a pony trainer. His father was a prominent figure in the horse and pony community, even having the opportunity to meet President Eisenhower. With a profound love for animals, his father claimed he could communicate with horses, a gift Richard inherited. He developed a deep affection for all living things, often talking to trees as his father spoke to horses. Richard's mother, deeply devoted to her faith in Christianity and her love for Jesus. Both of his parents instilled in him a yearning for a profound relationship with God, Jesus, and nature.

During high school, Richard’s family relocated to San Pablo, California. After graduating and leaving his family’s home, he sought to deepen his connection with God and creation, living on a sailboat at a marina and later moving to the mountains. His focus was solely on his spiritual and natural pursuits, with little interaction with others.

While in the mountains, Richard had a vision of a large cross. He felt that God was revealing to him that while he had a strong relationship with God and Jesus (represented by the vertical part of the cross), he was lacking in his relationships with others (represented by the horizontal part). He understood this as a call to engage more with and develop genuine connections with people.

Soon after, Richard traveled to Colorado to share his vision with his sister, Mary. While in Colorado, in 1979, he encountered The Principle for the second time, was so touched and moved by its teachings, and this time, joined The Unification Church. He became involved in various activities, including the witnessing and IOWC teams, where he created butterfly domes for fundraising.

In 1982, Richard and his wife, Kazuyo, received the 2075 blessing. Shortly after, he attended the Unification Theological Seminary (UTS) from 1982 to 1985. Their first son, James, was born in 1984. After graduating from UTS, Richard became the city leader of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, later advancing to the Alabama state leader and then Kentucky state leader, where their second son, Daniel, was born in 1990.

Richard and his family then moved to the Bay Area, California, in response to fulfill the hometown providence request from Father Moon. There, Richard worked for Golden Gate Seafood Company (now True World Foods) and University Marine, constructing large fish tanks. Their third child, Rebecca, was born in 1993.

In 2004, his family relocated to Reno, Nevada. Richard began working as a school bus driver, where he worked for 20 years. He loved his job, the students, his coworkers and bosses, and was loved by everyone in return. He was so happy to be driving the school bus, he wouldn’t take any days off, even if he was sick, and never had the desire to retire.

Beyond his job, Richard enjoyed visiting churches and engaging with the community, visiting people house-to-house alongside Kazuyo, fulfilling the tribal messiahship. He was also so grateful and proud of being able to receive the CheonBo award together with his wife in 2020.

In February 2024, during a routine checkup, Richard was found to have dangerously low blood levels and was told to go straight to the emergency room. There he was diagnosed with a rare leukemia affecting his bone marrow. Despite the diagnosis, he was determined to heal so he could continue serving God and others, especially his wife who he loved so deeply. His compromised immune system prevented him from working or visiting people. Through medication, diet, and prayers, Richard’s blood levels began to rise and he regained the ability to visit churches and people, which brought him great joy. However, on July 31, 2024, Richard unexpectedly suffered a stroke and, unable to recover due to complications from his leukemia, passed away peacefully on August 7, 2024, at 11:42 am, surrounded by his family.

Richard's life was a testament to his deep connection with God, True Parents, and Jesus. He loved his wife and children endlessly and unconditionally. Richard built meaningful relationships wherever he went, touching many lives through the love he shared.


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