In Memory of Jeffrey Kiluba


Jeffrey Somang Kiluba

Parents: Prosper and Charlotte Kiluba
: Timothee (Jung Hyo), Simon, Stephanie, Elizabeth
: December 14, 1998
Ascension: October 7, 2023
Seonghwa Ceremony: October 18, 2023


Jeffrey Somang Kiluba was born on December 14, 1998 in the Town of Likasi, located in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). He is the second son of Prosper and Charlotte Kiluba, who received the Blessing in 1992 as part of the 30,000 couples Blessing. His Korean name, “Somang,” means hope, which he embodied through his bright smile and upbeat spirit. 

Jeffrey spent his childhood in the DRC and grew up as part of the Katanga Family Community where his parents were local leaders. He attended workshops, community cultural events, and volunteered for many church youth activities, such as the International Relief Friendship Foundation (IRFF). As a young boy, he always had a bright and enticing way of making friends. He spoke his heart and always found a way to make those around him smile. He was very attentive when participating in witnessing activities with his parents and loved spending time by his mother’s side.

The Kiluba family moved to upstate New York in 2012 when Jeffrey was 13. He graduated from Red Hook High School and went on to earn his associate degree in Earth Studies at Ulster Community College. Sports is one area where Jeffrey left his mark, through passion and fellowship with his teammates. He dedicated time to soccer, wrestling, and track and field. During the summers he loved participating in the annual Blessed Culture and Sports Festival (BCSF), competing in the soccer tournament alongside his siblings. Jeffrey also loved gaming, and he played with his brother, Simon, and several other friends from all over the world.

Jeffrey had a friendly and welcoming personality which connected him to people wherever he went. He was not afraid to ask questions about one’s opinion and seek for truth. His parents planted the seed of living for the sake of others at a young age. Jeffrey worked hard to support his family in business endeavors and would financially support those who were in need. He would often say that he was going to become a millionaire so that he could take care of his loved ones. In September 2023, he joined the Red Hook Fire Company to volunteer and serve his community. In that short time, the company members found him to be a man of remarkable character. 

On Thursday October 5th, Jeffrey went on a brief holiday in the Dominican Republic. He had called on Friday, expressing excitement to see Mom and Dad again on Sunday. The Kiluba family received news of his passing Saturday morning, October 7th. His sudden passing shook the communities he was a part of and shocked the hearts of those who loved him. Jeffrey is survived by his parents, Prosper and Charlotte Kiluba; his older brother and sister-in-law, Timothee and Jung Hyo; his younger brother, Simon; and two younger sisters, Stephanie and Elizabeth.

Seonghwa Ceremony

Date: Wednesday October 18, 2023 at 10:00 AM EDT
Location: Main Chapel at Unification Theological Seminary (30 Seminary Drive, Barrytown, NY 12477)

Wonjeon Ceremony will follow at the Red Church Cemetery in Tivoli, NY (NY-9G, Tivoli, NY 12583). A meal will then be held back at UTS.

There will be a zoom link provided soon.

Flowers can be sent to UTS (30 Seminary Drive, Barrytown, NY 12477)

Condolence cards can be sent to the Kiluba Family address:
218 Evergreen Lane Hurley, New York 12443


In Memory of Akinobu Iwasaki


In Memory of Pat Diamond