Greetings in this special time of the year!
Photo credit: Thomas Ward
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
Thanksgiving and Christmas give us the opportunity to be with loved ones, reflect on our lives and prepare for the new year.
By Alexa Ward
Our True Parents spent their entire lives educating others, mostly us, through their words, through the expression of their heart, as well as through their example. This education served as a bridge, bringing us from where we were to where we are now. At different times, both Father and Mother acknowledged that they have completed their responsibility in educating us, and that it is now our responsibility to follow our conscience and mature ourselves.
My husband and I have been engaged in the public realm and held leadership positions in very different areas for most of our time in the movement. I was honored to be entrusted with leadership positions in WFWP for more than 25 years. Several years ago, I felt it was time to begin to move on to a new stage in my life, and did so with True Mother’s blessing.
At this time, I have made the decision to move forward with my husband, with me in the more supportive role. I feel a deep sense of satisfaction in taking responsibility to help create and maintain the environment, so he can further his life’s work. This is a precious time for us to further develop our relationship, and strive to become one. I treasure our time together as a couple, as parents, and as grandparents.
We are blessed with four children and three grandchildren. They are finding their way in life and we are always happy to be part of their lives. It is our hope that each one of them will be guided to achieve their full potential.
Striving to become one is a journey, with many challenges and, more than ever before, I am ready for this journey. Over close to four decades, I gradually cultivated a genuine life of faith, and developed a sense of where “North” is spiritually in my life. From someone who did not believe in God, I have come to know with confidence that I am first and foremost a child of God, our Heavenly Parent. From someone who felt overwhelmed by the challenges in my personal life, I now have a clear sense of the role of patience and timing, as well as confidence that I can rise above difficult situations.
I have come to understand and feel deeply that we are all part of one human family. This moves me to approach people with a caring heart, to be there for others, to give of myself freely and fully, and to commit to building long-term trusted relationships. Many doors have opened and continue to open, in terms of relationships and opportunities, for which I am sincerely grateful.
I am not a perfect person. I am, however, a person who is committed to growing and maturing step by step.
This is the foundation on which I enter this new stage and new era. This is how the voice of my conscience is guiding me.