The Man With 1000 Hobbies
by Mary Hida
A Tribute to my amazing husband Mamoru – the man with 1000 hobbies. That's what keeps this guy young – always fixing something, discovering new things and being active, whether it's playing his guitar each day, practicing and teaching martial arts, being mindful to things that are broken or need attention, sketching and drawing or just finding ways to help people, in all walks of life. We've had the fortune of being together nearly two-thirds of our lives. Every day I pray for his protection and I am full of gratitude to God and True Parents for bringing us together. My growing up in Japan and pretty much understanding the Japanese culture as well as speaking Japanese, is an added plus. I cherish my husband Mamoru Hida.
We were asked to move from New York to Las Vegas, to take care of the property, which is now known as Cheon Shim Won, by Mother, soon after Father passed in 2012. Since Mamoru had served as security at True Parents' home in New York, called East Garden, True Mother was well aware of Mamoru's skills and character, during his time serving for 38 years from 1974 to 2012.
I have never ceased being surprised by all the varied things I constantly learn about him, since we formally met and were engaged 45 years ago, on May 13, 1979 in the Grand Ballroom of the New Yorker Hotel. He's not your typical handyman but somehow seems to have that "magic touch." Mamoru had a carefree upbringing in a peaceful farming village in Ishikawa Prefecture, Noto peninsula, close to the Sea of Japan. By the time he was in middle school, he had taken apart his mom's watch, and being curious, learned to fix things on his own. He even built his own motorcycle with parts from the junkyard and rode it home. Rather than go to a formal high school, he chose to be educated in a top-level seaman's school, where he learned very valuable skills and had varied experiences traveling by ship to many countries in Asia and the Middle East before the age of 19. Tragically, my husband's hometown, Machino Machi, Wajima, on the Noto peninsula, was totally devastated on January 1st of this year, by earthquake and tsunami, as the world woke up to and experienced the first day of the year 2024. It still remains what looks like a war zone.
One of the aspects of Mamoru's expertise is finding things, and I mean just about everything a person would need or wish for, at a rock-bottom price or free and, of course, he also researches and can fix things if there is a problem. When we first moved to Las Vegas, after leaving behind 95% of our possessions in New York, he would just THINK of what we need, always mindful of quality items, such as a rice cooker, furniture, kitchen items, refrigerator, etc., then check out Goodwill, Salvation Army, and Castaways. Everything would appear, according to his wish. Often customers think he works there; he's ready to help and organize any area that is out of order. So, after a while he would ask church members, especially young people, what they need and, to this day, he finds cars, computers, household items, pretty much anything and is still often consulted. Once he started discovering all the different types of sewing machines and repairing them, he was happy to start giving them to others to either start a new hobby or relearn to sew. Yeah, he's good at sewing by hand, as well, and hems my pants. He even repairs his favorite work clothes from decades ago, with a professional tailor's touch.
His care and thoughtfulness of others is quite remarkable. He is also an artist and has pieces in his sketch books of True Father. He especially enjoys sketching the next generation – young people who are in our community, whom he has befriended, such as CARP members, young Japanese missionaries and new couples. Whenever he is aware of one of them leaving our community, he prepares some kind of meaningful gift for them. His love for True Family is genuine and filled with a lifetime of experiences. I am looking forward to our remaining days here on earth and as eternal partners, who were matched and blessed by our True Parents.
He would never write about himself; however, I want to recognize him before God for the man he is and the 1000+ special things he does.