Your Golden Years

Resources for senior Blessed Couples.

Articles and activities

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HDH on Grandparents

Download this document to read advice from True Parents on a range of topics around parenting such as: Unconditional Love, Raising Children, Birth Education, Lineage, Vertical & Horizontal Love, Marriage & Spousal Love, Family, Grandparents


Money and Marriage

An informative and powerful video by Ray Martin on how to reduce financial stress in marriage. Watch video.

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Join the Facebook group

Grow in community and fellowship by joining our Seniors Ministry Facebook group. It’s an opportunity to share inspiration, support one another, ask questions and engage in discussion.

Videos on Marriage and Family

We could all use some enrichment in our marriages and families. Over the past several years, the BFM has offered Marriage Enrichment Webinars, presented by marriage professionals in our faith community. These videos can be enjoyed in a variety of ways: with your spouse, at church, in a small group, or with your Tribe.


Accessing the Power of Your Marriage and Blessing

John and Sandra Lowen, are both longtime marriage therapists and deeply in love. Together they share about their own experiences seeing the impact of the Blessing on their lives and others.


Personal and Family Success

A webinar on healing and moving forward. Hilde Weinman has been working in the field of family coaching for over 25 years and is passionate about helping people to create healthy, loving relationships.

Everything in the world will eventually pass…love is the only thing that remains with us when we are in our graves. It is important that we live our lives in a way that we can leave a legacy of love behind us.”

— True Parents

Preparing for Eternal Life

Seonghwa Ceremonies: Traditions + Practical Guidance